Tools to make event sign up simple

Event Sign Up

There are two important tools in your JustGiving charity account designed to help optimise your event fundraising; Events and Campaigns. Now, while these two words might seem a bit interchangeable when you talk about event fundraising, on JustGiving they are two different tools that can offer you unique results.

The Event Tool

Adding an event on JustGiving means your supporters have something to link their Fundraising Page to, and everyone can see that they are taking part in your event. This tool is great for encouraging page creation for a certain event, because you can send your fundraisers straight into the page creation process with your event pre-selected for them.

Screen shot of event tools section

Creating an event is really easy. All you need to do is log into your charity account and click on ‘Fundraising tools’.

Under ‘Event tools’ you can add a new event or view any existing events that you have already added to JustGivng. You’ll be taken to a form that recognises whether that particular event has already been added to JustGiving. If the event comes up under ‘Existing events’ all you need to do is click ‘Continue with this event’.

Don’t worry if nothing matches the information you put in, you can carry on adding your event by filling out the rest of the form and clicking on ‘Continue’. Once submitted, the event is sent to our Charity Support team to be approved – this shouldn’t take longer than 24 hours!

You can view any future events under ‘View and promote events’. This is also where you can get buttons and deep links for the events. That’s what you’ll use to send your fundraisers straight into the page creation process for your event.

Adding an event doesn’t create a landing page for that event, it simply provides you with these brilliant links to fast track your supporter’s page creation process. If you’re after a landing page for your event, you might want to try creating a Campaign Page instead.

Using the Campaign Tool for events

Our Campaign Tool is normally used for specific appeals that charities are running. For example, the Cumbria Community Foundation’s recent flood appeal.

Screen shot of event tool

However, our Campaign Tool can also be used to group together fundraisers for a particular event. One YMCA recently used the tool to group together their fundraisers for a Sleep Out that they ran on Friday 4th December.

The great thing about using a Campaign Page for events like this is that your supporters can either donate to one of the individuals taking part, or they can donate to the campaign as a whole.

Making a Campaign Page for an event is just as easy as creating a Campaign Page for an appeal. The important thing you need to remember is to turn the ‘Enable fundraising’ function on – otherwise fundraisers won’t be able to make their Fundraising Pages from the Campaign Page!

Screen shot of Campaigns tool

You’ll also need to make sure that you are directing your fundraisers to your Campaign Page to create their Fundraising Page as it is not possible to link Fundraising Pages to Campaign Pages retrospectively.

Do you use our event sign up tools for your fundraising events? Let us know what you’ve been up to in the comments below!

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With over 8-years experience in the world of fundraising, Sophie knows her stuff about building brand strategies and championing thoughtful marketing.