Author: Holly Groom

Holly is a content editor at JustGiving. She spends a worrying amount of time thinking about email subject lines, error messages and mobile optimised landing pages.

How to do a content audit in four easy steps

We all know the value of a content audit. It’s absolutely nobody’s favourite job, but taking a proper, focussed look…

The reason we didn’t send Christmas cards this year

This year we decided that, rather than sending Christmas cards, we’d give the money we would have spent away instead. Over the…

Why less is more on your charity’s mobile app

“When you’re writing for the web there’s no space for words that don’t serve a purpose”, says Holly Groom, content…

Voice, tone and writing like a human

Ok, I hear you. What’s that title all about? Everybody writes ‘like a human’ don’t they? Well you’d think so,…