Author: Matt Ridout

Good Digital podcast: improving the culture at your organisation

The third and final episode of the Good Digital podcast featuring JustGiving is now online. In this episode we get…

Listen to the second in our Good Digital podcast series

Today we bring you the second in the Good Digital podcast series with JustGiving. If you missed episode one with…

Vitality Bath Half partners with JustGiving

The award-winning Vitality Bath Half Marathon takes place on Sunday 12th March 2017. Entries to this iconic race, which is…

Listen: Good Digital JustGiving podcast episode one

The Good Digital podcast is three episodes of their latest series on JustGiving, chatting to people from our team about the company, what…

Soaring cost of funerals force many to fundraise

The number of people turning to crowdfunding to pay for funeral costs has increased by 313% since 2015. More than…

A statue to remember Mary Seacole

Memorial statue unveiled following successful campaign June 30th was a landmark day as a memorial statue of Mary Seacole, the…

Introducing default fundraising page stories and cover photos

Tell your charity’s story on every fundraising page You can now set the photo and story that will automatically appear…

Our enhanced Campaign product improves your ability to harness the power of the crowd

At JustGiving we recognise that charities want to utilise innovative ideas and technology that reflect the changing nature of giving,…

How our new fundraising page is helping charities leverage their people power

At JustGiving, we believe supporters are a charity’s best channel. For fifteen years we have enabled millions of people to…

Giving Varvara the tiger a new chance for a happier life

A large tiger, one of nature’s most beautiful predators, locked in a tiny cage with no space to roam and…

The impact of Ramadan on charity giving

As the period of Ramadan comes to a close, we can take a look at how the period affects charitable…

A fundraising campaign in the wake of the Shoreham Air Show disaster

On Saturday 22nd August 2015 a Hawker Hunter jet that was performing a routine at the Shoreham Air Show failed…