Are your donors’ expectations changing?
The new consumer has arrived with a bang, not a whisper. A decade ago, if you wanted to rent a…
What is product management & how does it work in charities? Part 2
In our previous article we looked at the basic responsibilities of a product manager. Here, we’ll look in a bit…
What is product management & how does it work in charities? Part 1
Product Management is the development of something which delivers value to your organisation by meeting the needs of your users….
6 digital charity trends for 2018
2017 is almost over! Can you believe it? We haven’t had a big Ice Bucket Challenge this year. But change…
How do Buzzfeed decide what content to create?
At Web Summit this year I attended a talk by Buzzfeed’s Ze Frank. He discussed how Buzzfeed view content and…
5 ways British Heart Foundation use Facebook ads for fundraising
Like most charities, Facebook advertising is a really important part of British Heart Foundation’s digital fundraising activity. Here are five…
Five event fundraising trends to watch [SLIDESHARE]
With more and more creative fundraising events competing for the attention of your supporters, how can your charity stand out…
What can we learn from Macmillan’s fake news hire?
A key challenge facing the charity world as we head towards 2018 is how to communicate your message in the…
3 reasons why small charities should embrace digital
When it comes to digital, small charities can take small steps for big impact. Digital needn’t be thought of as a…
INFOGRAPHIC: London marathon fundraising trends
Now in its 37th year, the London marathon continues to dominate the event fundraising scene. With over 16 years’ experience…