Could you be our Charity of the Year? Voting is open now!
Exciting news! The JustGiving Awards are back this November and we’re on the hunt for 2016’s Charity of the Year. Could your charity be this year’s winner?
Charity of the Year is an opportunity to showcase all of the amazing things you’re doing, and celebrate all of the hard work of everyone at your charity. It also gives your supporters a chance to tell us about their favourite cause, and why it matters so much to them.
How to become Charity of the Year
Voting is open now and the winner will be the charity with the most votes, so spread the word far and wide to all of your supporters to give your charity the best chance of being crowned JustGiving’s Charity of the Year 2016.
Voting is really quick and simple, and absolutely anyone and everyone can vote, so rally your internal teams, post on your social channels and get your biggest supporters involved.
Here’s the link to cast your vote and share with all of your potential voters
Charity of the Year toolkit
To help you spread the word to your community, we’ve put together a Charity of the Year toolkit. There are images for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and badges, buttons and banners for your website. Download your toolkit here
Nominate your fundraisers
Do you know an amazing fundraiser who’s used JustGiving to make good things happen for your charity? You can still nominate them for a JustGiving Award. We recognise fundraisers for everything from creativity to endurance. Nominations for fundraisers close on Sunday 7th August, so tell us why you think they should be recognised
To read the terms and conditions for the JustGiving Awards, just click here
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