Our enhanced Campaign product improves your ability to harness the power of the crowd


At JustGiving we recognise that charities want to utilise innovative ideas and technology that reflect the changing nature of giving, enabling them to raise more money and connect with those who care. Over the past year JustGiving has been at the forefront of crowdfunding, which enables people to come together to raise money directly to fund their own cause, a person in need, or a community project.

This experience has provided JustGiving with a unique insight into the people who support crowdfunding appeals. Over 50% of those who have donated to crowdfunding pages are new to JustGiving, having never used the platform before. These people may be taking their first steps into the world of philanthropy, and typically they have been attracted by a specific and tangible emotional need from a member of their community. Using our Campaign tool, your charity can tap into this group of people to help fund your cause, project or appeal.

Varvara campaign

The Campaign product allows charities of all sizes to create customised, high-impact campaigns in minutes, to raise money for urgent and tangible appeals. Here are some key reasons why you should be utilising the Campaigns product:

It’s fast and easy to use: The Campaign tool enables you to have an attractive and compelling page up and running in just a few minutes. 

It’s versatile: It allows your supporters to donate directly to your page, or to link their own fundraising pages to it to support your appeal. The money they donate and raise will be added together to build your Campaign total

You can add offline donations: Offline donations can now be added too, so all the hard work done for a specific appeal can be showcased in one place.

It’s flexible: Campaigns are not just for Christmas or big, set-piece appeals.  Many charities use the tool effectively to beat small but defined targets.  They set up Campaigns to address specific things, like a piece of equipment, an event or in response to a specific issue. The timely and tangible nature of campaigns is loved by supporters, who appreciate being able to see exactly where their money is going.

It allows JustGiving to promote your cause:  Remember that wonderful group of people we spoke about earlier who are new to the online giving world? Launch a Campaign on JustGiving and we can promote your cause to these very people. 

We show Campaigns to those groups within our 18m strong community who have similar interests to your cause – getting you extra eyeballs for no extra cost.

Shoreham air show campaign

Campaigns in action:  Some success stories

For a detailed case study of a specific Campaign, click on our blog about the Shoreham Air Show Fund that the Sussex Community Foundation organised after last year’s air show tragedy.

The Mary Seacole Memorial Statue Appeal said this about their campaign page:

“Our campaign via JustGiving provided the necessary boost to encourage donations in the last stages of a longstanding fundraising drive.  A significant sum was raised in a very short amount of time.”

Start your Campaign today

As well as offline donations, we are continually developing our Campaign product. Soon it will also include a ‘draft’ status and assistance with image resizing.  These improvements are intended to help make fundraising simpler for our charities. We want all our members to get the most from our product portfolio, so if you want help spreading your charity’s story further, start a campaign today

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