How our new fundraising page is helping charities leverage their people power


At JustGiving, we believe supporters are a charity’s best channel. For fifteen years we have enabled millions of people to lend their voice to your cause, mobilise their networks, and raise more money than they ever thought possible.

This is why no JustGiving product is more important than your Fundraising Pages.  In a blog post earlier this year, we announced a series of page improvements aimed at achieving three things: celebrating the personality of the fundraiser, spreading your charity’s story further and making the site effortless to use. 

JG fundraising page on multiple devices

A few months on, here are the three most recent, biggest changes you will notice:

  1. Faster, faster, four times faster!

People have the same expectations of JustGiving as they do of their favourite social and ecommerce brands, and speed is definitely one of them.

To capture every impulse to give, we have made major changes to our platform to ensure that pages load in no more than 1.5 seconds – that’s almost four times faster on a year ago.  This means that donors can give their support (and their money) in the blink of an eye.

  1. Stories are now even stickier

At JustGiving, we have been working on showcasing the value of sharing for a long time.  Our research has shown that the average value of a Facebook share from JustGiving is worth £5 in donations.  People will only share engaging content, so the team has been working hard to encourage interactions, so more people have more reasons to share. This idea resonates with charities:

Closeup of the Fundraising page

“Updates lets supporters see how well the fundraisers doing.  It makes it feel alive and if you leave a message someone will notice it” JustGiving charity user

This effort has seen the number of page updates increase fivefold and Facebook shares grow threefold.  This means more sharing of your story, so more eyeballs for your cause.  Look out too, for the new timeline device keeping all this extra activity in order.

  1. Charities are at the heart of stories – by default

When they fundraise on JustGiving, your supporters raise awareness of your charity, as well as money.  Charities have long asked us to give their brand greater prominence on JustGiving, and the new Fundraising Pages do just that.

Coming very soon, every fundraising page will have your charity’s preferred imagery and story, as chosen by you. . This way, you can make sure every visitor to your supporters’ fundraising pages sees your message from day one.

But the fundraising page is not the only product in development.  Look out for upcoming reporting improvements, further enhancements to our crowdfunding service for charities, and fresh ideas to help charities boost individual giving revenue, as JustGiving continues to find ways to help charities grow the world of giving.    


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