JustGiving claims back over £1.6m in Gift Aid for charities, after HMRC ruling change

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Following months of discussion, JustGiving was delighted with HMRC’s recent decision to update its guidance regarding GiftAid.  Under previous HMRC instruction, thousands of charities had Gift Aid claims withheld, because messages accompanying individual donations included the names of more than one family member.  Now HMRC has agreed to permit Gift Aid claims for this type of donation, many charities will now receive Gift Aid income they thought they had lost.

How will charities access these funds?

JustGiving has received the first of two expected payments of Gift Aid from HMRC. It affects donations made between November 2015 and the present, which comply with this guidance. 

The following actions will take place on Friday 22nd July:

  1. Charities affected will receive reclaimed Gift Aid funds into their bank accounts
  2. Reports relating to these funds will be available in the relevant JustGiving charity accounts. These will provide a full breakdown of the funds received. 
  3. Donors who have been affected will see Gift Aid confirmations visible on pages, alongside their donations. (Please note: where donors opted to hide donation amounts, Gift Aid will not be shown)

The delivery of the second tranche of Gift Aid funds will be communicated to charities in the same way, once it has been received by JustGiving from HMRC.

In line with the new guidelines, JustGiving has also agreed to include supplementary questions within the Gift Aid declaration process to help donors make accurate Gift Aid declarations and minimise the risk of error.  We will continue to monitor and optimise our donation flow to maintain the very high donation conversion rates that our charities expect of JustGiving.

If you are one of the affected charities you will receive an email notification shortly.

Should you have any other questions for the JustGiving team, please Contact us here

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