How social is your charity?
Charities are spoilt for choice with tools to help them connect with their supporters and raise money more efficiently. And with more platforms, networks and devices to consider than ever before, knowing where to start and where to focus your energy can seem a little daunting. With choice comes complexity, and perhaps a fear that everyone else is doing it better than you. However, the truth is we’re all facing the same challenges and by sharing insights and advice, we can help each other be more effective.
Social Charity Index 2013
Taking part in this year’s Social Charity study by Visceral Business is one way of doing this. The results will provide insight into the latest trends and act as a useful benchmark for charities keen to see how others are harnessing the power of digital tools and social networks.
We’re inviting UK charities of all sizes to take part in our online survey and help us create a collective understanding of how charities are using social technology to fundraise and engage with supporters in new ways.
The survey is open until 27 August 2013 and we’re looking forward to sharing the results with you in mid-September.
Take a look at the results of the 2012 Social Charity study to find out more.
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