How to help your fundraisers bring their fundraising page to life
By looking at what kind of pages perform best, we’ve identified three key factors to help turn a good fundraising page into a brilliant one. Here are three tips to help your fundraisers get the most out of their page.
1. Make it impactful
We’ve found that fundraising pages with a personal story are likely to raise more money. By telling a story with a beginning, middle and end, your fundraisers will invite donors to become part of their unique journey, enticing them into donating.
When our very own Oliver Whittle took part in the Trailwalker challenge this summer, he made sure to keep his story updated. When Olly finished the challenge, he even added some of his personal highlights to the page – it proved a great way to rope in some last minute donations!
How can you help?
Create templates to help new fundraisers write their story, or send examples of pages that have worked well for you in the past.
2. Make it informative
Provide your fundraisers with facts and figures about your cause. Make sure they know exactly where their money is going and how it is being used.
As well as clearly outlining your cause, making it relevant can be an extremely powerful tool for fundraisers. When Martha Payne began fundraising on JustGiving for Mary’s Meals, she knew that it cost exactly £10.70 to feed one child in school for a whole year. It was this fact which drove her fundraising up and up.
Martha has raised over £130,000 on her JustGiving page so far, and this figure is still rising.
How can you help?
Send your supporters updates when they hit a fundraising milestone and let them know how the money they’ve raised will be spent. This will spur them on to hit the next £100 mark, and the next, and the next.
3. Make it personal
Encourage supporters to add a human touch to their page. Fundraisers who add a picture tend to raise 33% more than those who don’t.
When Andrew and Matt decided to cycle 30,000 miles across 35 countries to raise money for WarChild, they made sure to keep their page up to date with photos.
This way, we could all see how treacherous (as well as fun) their task was proving. You can read about these gents and their sterling efforts at
How can you help?
Why not provide fundraisers with photos to share and encourage them to add their own. This way your fundraisers will understand how to better personalise their page from the beginning.
Read our factsheet to find out more on how to encourage fundraisers to make the most of their page.
What have you done to encourage your fundraisers? Share your story below.
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