Interview: Amy Clarke, Mencap

Amy Feature

Hi Amy! Tell me, what does a Digital Assistant actually do?

amy I do a variety of jobs, from tweeting and blogging, to checking the accessibility of web content and speaking at parliament about a petition to make social media safer.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I have a mild learning disability that affects my way of learning, and I went to a couple of special schools and a residential college. I also did a lot of work experience, and got my first ever job at a central training centre in the West End. I started working for Mencap in 1996, and I never left.

What is your working day usually like?

I work part-time for the first three days of the week. I start at 9.30am, and attend our meeting to discuss my week’s workload.

After that I go and publish my tweets, unless there is work that’s more urgent, then I’ll prioritise that instead.

I also have meetings with members of staff about the work they want me to do. I have a flexible rule that people can ask me to do things, and I’ll say no if it’s impossible or yes if I can fit it in.
What do you love most about your job? and what’s your number one challenge?

I love tweeting and blogging the most, but my challenge is doing everything I want to in the hours I have. I usually manage it. I do get interrupted for meetings and it can feel too much, but doing one thing at a time can work for me.

Why do you work for Mencap?

The work Mencap does for people with learning disabilities is of a high standard, and it empowers people by changing the attitudes of the public.

What digital tools could you simply not live without and why?

I’d say my phone, as it has everything on it, such as a diary and the internet.

Which other charities are doing digital well?

 I feel Scope is doing well, and their website is very accessible.

OR… What charity do you most admire and why?

I admire Cancer Research, as they have helped people overcome cancer in their research over the years.

What brands or people from outside of the charity sector inspire you?

Jeremy Corbyn, as I met him a few times and he listens to other people in the public.

What one Twitter account / blog / email newsletter do you think everyone should follow?

I am biased, but I find the Mencap Twitter account good to follow, as you can find out about their fundraising events.


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