The JustGiving Awards 2016 are open for nominations


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The JustGiving Awards 2016 are now open for nominations! Do you know an amazing fundraiser who’s used JustGiving to make good things happen for your charity? Do you think everyone should know how inspiring they are? Would you love to see them win an award? Nominate them for a JustGiving Award 

The Awards are our way of congratulating all of the outstanding people, charities and teams who’ve done incredible things on JustGiving over the past year. We’ll be awarding people for things like creativity, feats of endurance and outstanding commitment to your cause.

You can nominate as many awesome fundraisers as you like, so tell us about all of the people who have used JustGiving to make good things happen for your charity

Boy holding up a photo of people he's nominating for a JustGiving Award

Get your community involved

You can also spread the word about nominations and ask your charity’s community to get involved and nominate their favourite fundraisers. We’ve created a JustGiving Awards pack for you to help you spread the word. It includes badges, banners and buttons for your website, and some images for you to share on your social channels.

Download your JustGiving Awards nominations pack

 Want to be JustGiving’s Charity of the Year?

Right now, we’re just asking people to nominate their favourite fundraisers, but don’t worry, nominations for Charity of the Year will open soon. We’ll make plenty of noise as soon as nominations open, so keep an eye on @JustGiving and @JGcauses for updates.

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Helen looks after our social channels here at JustGiving. As social media manager she loves creating useful, inspiring content that connects with our community and celebrates their amazing achievements.