Key events for charities in 2019

Key Charity Events Feature

Happy New Year! We can’t believe it’s 2019 already. No doubt this year will fly-by just as fast as last year did. We’ll start January with good intentions for keeping on top of things, but before we know it spring will be here, then it’ll be Autumn, then 2020. It’s terrifying.

To help you make sure you don’t miss anything, we’ve compiled a list of the key charity events already scheduled for 2019. Pop these in your brand new 2019 diary.

  1. Social CEOs

Social CEOs was founded in 2013 in association with JustGiving. These social media awards recognise outstanding contribution by charity leaders online. The awards are held every year in November and nominations open in the late summer.

Nominees and winners benefit from positive PR, as well as an opportunity to network with fellow influential leaders. The awards are given as part of a lovely evening of celebration.

Check the Social CEOs website for more information. You’ll also find some useful blogs from previous winners on the website.

  1. The Charity Awards

The Charity Awards are accepting nominations now for their 2019 awards ceremony, which is in June. You have until February 22nd to apply.

There are a whole host of categories to enter, including children and youth, disability, education and training, and campaigning and advocacy. If you have a programme or project you think deserves recognition, it’s definitely worth entering.

  1. Fundraising Live

Fundraising Live is returning in 2019. Now in its fourth year, the event is designed to give fundraisers a voice on the issues that matter to them. If you register now, you’ll get an early bird discount.

Attendees will learn about all sorts of interesting fundraising feats, like how East Anglian Air Ambulance took their fundraising team to the next level and how British Heart Foundation revolutionised supporter engagement with a £30 budget.

  1. IFC 2019

This event is in Holland, so you’ll need to include flights in any budget considerations, but it’s well worth it if you can afford it. It takes place across four days and includes the participation of 100 delegates. It’s a learning and networking event, so there is much to be gained from attending.

The IFC proclaim on their website that the 2019 conference will involve ‘a million new ideas’. Handy.

  1. Charity Comms Heads Of Digital events

Your charity must have an income of more than £2 million to attend the Charity Comms Head of Digital events, but if you meet that criteria these meetups will certainly help you. They meet three times a year to discuss digital literacy, content strategy, defining success, in-house vs agencies and the digital delivery of services, amongst many other important topics.

There are facilitator-led discussions to benefit from, as well as plenty of time for networking.  

  1. The Fundraising Convention

The Fundraising Convention takes place on the 1st to the 3rd of July at The Barbican in London. Delegates are invited to take part in useful sessions and workshops designed to help them become the best fundraisers they can be.

This is the largest event for professional fundraisers in Europe, so you’ll definitely take home vital learnings.
In fact, the Institute of Fundraising have lots of key events like this one to attend, including the Digital Fundraising Conference and the National Fundraising Awards. Their website is a good place to start.

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