Second that emotion
Campaigns for a specific appeal can mobilise people who care
There are thousands of different causes that are appealing for support at any given time, and with the success of crowdfunding campaigns on social media, it can be hard for your voice to be heard above the others when you are trying to get yours funded.
If there is one learning that can be adapted from crowdfunding by the fundraising sector it’s that supporters who feel emotionally connected to an urgent or tangible appeal are more likely to donate and share that appeal with their own audience. A donor who knows exactly how, and where, the money they spend will be put to good use is going to find it a lot easier to spend their hard-earned money, and to advocate that others do as well.
So how can your cause mobilise this crowd, in the same way that successful crowdfunding appeals have managed?
Creating a Campaign on JustGiving is the answer. Campaigns are meant to fund a specific appeal, cause or need, much like an individual crowdfunding campaign. The versatility of these pages allows your supporters to donate directly to fund the appeal and, if they wish, to go one step further by attaching their own Fundraising Pages to the Campaign, becoming advocates to their own social networks and family circles for your appeal.
Connect with people who care
By focusing your fundraising on specific appeals with Campaigns you demonstrate the work you are doing, how the money you raise helps change lives, and allows you to show how the money your Campaign raised was used to achieve a successful conclusion. It is this involvement in the whole fundraising journey that is so emotionally rewarding for your supporters. They want to help and they want to see how their time and effort has helped.
Setting up a Campaign is simple, just log in to your charity account and in a few minutes you can have a fully-featured page up and running. Make sure you use an evocative image that communicates the need for your campaign, photos that tell your story and have a human element make the most impact in our experience. Write your story explaining why the appeal is important, how much you need to raise to make a difference and how the money raised will be distributed. That’s it, you are well on your way to harnessing the power of the crowd to fund your cause by sharing your page to your supporters. The power of Campaigns also means that anyone who has donated to you on JustGiving will receive a notification that you have launched a Campaign automatically, spreading the word to those who may not be connected to you otherwise.
Need some inspiration or some examples? Here are some successful Campaigns on JustGiving for you to peruse:
BEES use Campaigns to help rescue an elephant
SWAN UK use Campaigns to enable Mumsnetters to fundraise on their behalf
Doctors of the World UK respond to an emergency crisis in Calais with a Campaign
Find out more about Campaigns here.
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