What Facebook’s newsfeed experiment means for charities

Outline of the experiment Facebook recently ran a Newsfeed experiment that should worry social media managers at charities. In most…

Getting the most from your content without breaking the bank

  Charities, especially those with limited resources, will constantly be pushing to get the most value from the content they…

Why we need to stop using the word ‘content’

Let me come clean from the outset. I have a problem with the word ‘content’. Content isn’t really anything in…

Top tips for keeping your social media content fresh

Rebecca Curtis, information and marketing officer at the Institute of Fundraising Scotland, attended Sounddelivery’s Social Media Exchange (#SMEX15) in February and…

Ten top tips for digital transformation

With fast-moving digital trends peppering our daily newsfeeds, it’s easy to get distracted by the latest shiny new toy. Claire…