JustGiving Insights & Actions: Autumn 2023

See what’s trending on JustGiving and what we recommend for your charity going into 2024.

3 digital updates we’re keeping an eye on this week

In a constantly changing, digitally-driven world, it’s hard to tell which new features and trends are the ones to keep…

5 tips for filmmaking on a shoestring

There are a staggering 8 billion daily views of video content on Facebook alone. In 2014, Cisco predicted that by…

Digital fundraisers share inspiring insights at JustGiving

Full disclaimer: I love NFP Tweetup. I’ve been going to this gathering of social media and digitally minded folk in…

Try this one trick to improve your usability testing sessions

When someone walks into your usability lab they are expecting a test. You may tell them again and again that…

Heat mapping – A guide to creating your own visual data visualisation

A picture is worth a thousand words.  Or in this case a heat map video is worth a million data points.  The…

Let’s co-create this year – join our charity panel

At JustGiving, we always want to make sure our products and services align to what charities like yours need. Let’s…

3 insights from the science of giving 

Over the past years research has proved that giving makes us happier, and that people who give are healthier. The…

Demystifying data and fundraising for charities

Data should directly influence and impact strategies for organisations, but how can charities and non-profits be sure they are collecting…

Report on your charity’s impact with Insights

Today we’re excited to be launching Insights – a new dashboard for charities on JustGiving that helps you track your reach…

Which social media platforms do you use?

We’re very excited to be working with Social Misfits Media on their next free guide for charities. It’s focused on…

What a difference a week makes – an update on the numbers behind the #icebucketchallenge

There’s been no slowdown in the number of people willing to freeze for a good cause: #icebucketchallenge fundraisers using JustGiving…