Only 140 characters, but £2.5 million raised: Twitter and JustGiving in 2013

Ok, we’re a bit late in the let’s-review-2013’s-numbers-and-create-a-fancy-infographic game, but I can assure you, this is worth a read for…

Four things every charity should know about Christmas giving

As an early Christmas present, we’ve decided to share a little gift of insight. Check out our Christmas giving infographics…

A few million reasons to like Facebook and JustGiving

Facebook recently launched a new design for their iconic like button, and we were excited to be featured on their…

The evolution of social giving – how giving behaviour on JustGiving has changed in the last 12 years

Today is #GivingTuesday, a global movement launched in the USA last year to encourage a peak of giving as we…

How behavioural economics can help your charity: a Q&A with Kimberley Scharf

Kimberly Scharf (@kimberleyscharf) is a professor of economics at The University of Warwick and works on issues related to charity, giving, the third…

How to use social channels effectively to maximise fundraising

Social media offers charitable organisations the opportunity to reach an ever-growing audience, and thanks to continual technological innovation in the…

The results of the 2013 Social Charity Index are in

Last month we invited charities to take part in this year’s Social Charity Index by Visceral Business, the results of which would…

Nine reasons why social and mobile are the future of fundraising

We’ve been monitoring the increasing power of mobile fundraising and its impact on the growth of social for some time and…