Three ways charities are using data creatively

Data might be the word on every charity sector professional’s lips at the moment, but it is often seen as…

How #LoveHasNoLabels went viral

“Love Has No Labels” is an awareness campaign from an American non-profit, Ad Council. It aimed to challenge people’s notion…

#SeeTheMiracle – live digital storytelling from Sightsavers

The goal of A Million Miracles is to raise €36 million over a three-year period in order to fund one…

Five things about video that may surprise you

Last week, NFPTweetup (a meetup for charities wanting to use digital and social media more effectively) took place and Lesley Pinder shares the…

How to make big impact videos on a small budget

Video is such a powerful and popular tool for charities and with both Facebook and now Twitter launching their own…

What the power of sound can do for your storytelling

Charities are always thinking about new ways to tell their story. Undoubtedly digital technology has radically changed the way we…

Jessica’s Promise – How the best campaigns are fundraiser stories

Meet Jessica Stoate. Jessica is running the 2015 London Marathon, like tens of thousands of other people. She’s running for…

Top tips for keeping your social media content fresh

Rebecca Curtis, information and marketing officer at the Institute of Fundraising Scotland, attended Sounddelivery’s Social Media Exchange (#SMEX15) in February and…

Five ways to improve your charity’s blog

Fran Swaine, head of digital at Platypus Digital, attended Sounddelivery’s Social Media Exchange 2015 (#SMEX15) on Monday and heard many…

Telling stories to build your community online

Today we’re at the Social Media Exchange – Being the story talking about how charities can use storytelling as a way to…

Seven ways to win at event fundraising

Event fundraising is big business for charities. In fact, GSi Events who are the organisers of the Edinburgh Marathon Festival raise…