Tell your charity’s story with a new kind of profile

New Mobile View Of Profile Featured Image

Today we’re rolling out new charity profiles on JustGiving – you’ll start to see them from about 12:00 (GMT). They’re designed to help you tell your story and make it easy for people to show they care – they can like, share, give or fundraise with just one click or touch of a button. New charity profile

Impact statements for social storytelling

Four in five people share content on social media because it’s a way to show they care about a particular cause. So we’ve added a new feature called an impact statement that makes that really easy. Think of it as your cause’s short story – what you do and why you do it in 80 characters. That means when people share their donation or fundraising page on social media, your story fits easily in a tweet or a Facebook share. Given that each Facebook user has an average of 130 friends, just one share could help to reach people your charity doesn’t normally have access to – and messages may also be more effective coming from a friend than from your charity. New impact statement

Mobile optimised for easy giving on the move

Nearly 50% of people visit JustGiving on their mobile phone or tablet, so we’ve made sure people can connect with your cause whatever device they’re using. Your new profile makes it easy for them to read about your cause when they’re on the move and our mobile donation process, launched earlier this year, makes it easy for them to give too – we’ve already seen conversion rates go up by 33%!

New mobile view of profile

You can read more about the new profile in the below presentation: [slideshare id=28834780]

Making the most of your new profile

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Sally Falvey has worked in online fundraising for over 10 years, and is the Head of Growth Marketing at JustGiving. She’s passionate about helping all charities use the latest technology to be more efficient and raise more money.