The Charity Awards 2018

The Charity Awards

Last week charities from up and down the country attended the Charity Awards 2018.

Within the grounds of the Tower of London, representatives of dozens of shortlisted charities toasted one another and the amazing work they’d done to make the world a better place.

Here’s an overview of the winners and their achievements.


  1. MOLA – Winner of the Arts, cultural and heritage award

MOLA were given their award for their CITiZAN project, a network of individuals tasked with recording and monitoring areas exposed at low tide to protect England’s varied coastal and intertidal heritage, which is often lost to wind, waves and winter storms.

The network is made up of staff and volunteers.


  1. Who Cares? Scotland – Winner of the Charity of the year award and the Campaigning and advocacy award

It was a great night for the Who Cares? Scotland team! Not only did they win their category, but they were chosen as charity of the year.

Who Cares? Scotland were nominated for their ‘1000 Voices’ campaign, which encouraged First Minister Nicola Sturgeon to command an independent review of the care system in Scotland.


  1. Red Thread – Winner of the Children and youth category award

Red Thread are an incredible organisation working towards breaking the cycle of violence between children and young people before it’s too late.

They have a Youth Violence Intervention Programme, which visits young victims of violence in A & E and offers them support. They were given their award because of the fantastic difference this programme is making.


  1. Autistica – Winner of the Disability category award

Autistica help autistic people live long, happy and healthy lives, and support their families.

They won their award for listening and reacting to the needs of people with autism.


  1. Resuscitation Council UK – Winner of the Education and training award

The Resuscitation Council promote high quality, scientific, resuscitation guidelines that save lives.

Through education, training, research and collaboration, their winning ‘Restart a Heart’ campaign has trained hundreds of thousands of people to help someone if their heart has stopped.


  1. Surfers Against Sewage – Winner in the Environment and conservation category

The Surfers Against Sewage Plastic Free Communities programme was a worthy winner in this category. Their campaign gives communities a holistic, step-by-step framework towards reducing over-reliance on single use plastics.

They currently have 270 communities (and 20 million people) signed up to the project.


  1. Family Fund – the Grantmaking and funding award

Family Fund give grants to families raising seriously ill or disabled children, and won the Grantmaking and funding award based on the incredible difference they’re making for UK families.

Last year, they distributed funds worth £33 million to 88,119 families across the UK.


  1. Scottish Professional Football League Trust – Healthcare and medical research award

The Football Fans In Training programme by the Scottish Professional Football League Trust improves the fitness of fans of the sport by offering them 12 weeks of training at a football stadium, whilst also providing them with a behind-the-scenes look at their favourite club.

This unique idea won them the Healthcare and medical research award.


  1. Tearfund – International aid and development category award

More than a third of South African girls face sexual violence before they reach 18.

International organisation Tearfund won their award for developing a support network for women in KwaZulu-Natal, an area in which 46% of men admit to perpetrating gender-based violence.

The project currently supports 547 survivors and offers 150 safe places for women.


  1. Volunteering Matters – Social care, advice and support award

‘Grandmentors’ brings the older and younger generations together. Volunteers aged 50 and over mentor young people leaving care, using their wisdom and life experience to help keep them on track.

This pioneering project won Volunteering Matters the Social care, advice and support category award.


Congratulations to this year’s winners.

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