5 great Half Marathon tips for you


With plenty of half marathons coming up in the event calendar, now’s the time to make sure your fundraisers are on track to smash their targets.

Here’s a few simple tips to help your fundraisers, and your charity make your half marathons a success! For more info, check out our new Half Marathon Resources.

Make sure all your runners have created their Fundraising Pages:

The optimum page creation time for half marathons on JustGiving ranges from 91 – 150 days. This means that pages set up in this time raise more. This is quite a broad time frame due to the different events that fall into this category but don’t worry,

It’s not too late to get your fundraisers’ pages set up!

Have you got places filled but a lack of pages set up?


Make sure you’re following up with anyone who’s got a place in the event and remind them of the important fundraising ask! Send them an event deep-link which will pre-populate your charity, the event they’re taking part in and ensure their page is linked to your Campaign Page if you’re using one for your event.

Have you still got places to fill?

Reach out to your network by email and share your team’s progress on social media. Let the world know what a great job your team are doing, and show how great it is to be part of the team.

Encourage your fundraisers to share their stories and fundraising efforts with their own friends, family and colleagues – a great way to expand your network! Perhaps you could incentivise current fundraisers to create a team? See some ideas below. 

Use incentives and rewards to encourage your fundraisers


Incentives are a great way to motivate your supporters to get their fundraising off the ground, or exceed their target if they’ve already begun.

These haven’t got to be flashy, expensive or time consuming to pull off. From shout outs on social media to matching donations, we’ve put together some ideas you could consider adding to your fundraiser journey. Take a look at these examples charities have had success with in the past to see if any could work for you.

Create a sense of community and encourage some healthy competition:

By using a Campaign Page for an event, you keep all half marathon fundraising in one place, benefitting your charity as well as your fundraisers! Supporters can also donate to the team.

A picture of a JustGiving Campaign


At a glance see your team’s live totaliser, and your individual fundraisers’ totals. The leader board shows how far fundraisers are from their individual targets, and ranks them in order of most raised online – point this out to your runners to introduce some competition and peer to peer stewardship.

For more info on the above, as well as a look at how TRIBE Freedom Foundation made their Hackney Half a success in our Half Marathon Resources area!


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Phoebe is a Customer Success Manager at JustGiving, working with charities to help them make the most of JustGiving's tools and insights.