What moves your supporters

Fundraising Online Blog

With engagement being the buzzword of the moment, many in the charity sector will be looking to find ways they can get their supporters more engaged with their brand, and use this engagement to increase giving.

With this in mind, JustGiving’s CMO and COO Charles Wells made engagement the focus of his keynote speech at this year’s Fundraising Online virtual conference, #FR016. #FR016 is a free virtual conference that is designed to enrich your mind with new thinking around best practice, disruptive trends and digital tools that can help you transform your fundraising.

This year’s conference took place on the 11th and 12th of May, with Charles closing the conference with his keynote on the 12th.

During his session Charles shared some of the key insights JustGiving has gained from our user behaviours, and he raised  some challenging questions on how non-profits might best capture the huge opportunities that exist in the digital-first, mobile and social-led world of giving. Hopefully this will inspire those who are looking to foster genuine connections with supporters that could lead to more giving.


Although the conference is now over, you may still register and view all of the presentations, including Charles’ keynote speech. To do so please visit https://reg.ubivent.com/start/fundraising-online-2016 and complete the short registration.

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